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Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Beautiful Night

By Radika Meganathan

All of us want to look young and beautiful. But how many really stay that way? As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day, and if you want to look attractive and fresh, you should follow not just an efficient beauty government, but also a regular one.

For busy homemakers and business executive alike, it is not always likely to keep a normal beauty command, unless it is a habitual visit to the nearest beauty salon.

Instead of costs money on mock and expensive treatment, here is a simple schedule to groom yourself naturally. Just before you go to bed, allot a age of ten notes. Yes, all it takes is just that little time to keep you looking young and glowing.

Foot Care

Feeling terrible after a tiring day? As soon as you return home, soak your feet in a basin of warm water mixed with a handful of fragrant bath salts. After 10 minutes, wash your feet (a simple soap and water wash is sufficient).

If you aren't reaction quiet by this time, take a foot filer and scrub your heels. Using a toothpick (orange stick) clean the edges and grooves around your toe nails, to remove the dirt that gets accumulated.

Apply cold cream or moisturizer before winding up. This will make the skin soft and prevent people from running away at the sight of your feet.

Face Wash/Scrub
Cleansing your face before going to bed is essential to take away the dirt you might have picked up in your day. Walnut scrub is ideal for oily skin.

Make sure you scrub your face in circling motions and wash with cold water.

For those with dry or sensitive skin can use baby oil or wet refining pads, followed by a night cream.

Night Cream/Moisturizing
The right time to apply any action, especially moisturizer - be it for whitening the skin, under-eye cream or simple moisturizing. It will revitalize your facial skin and work wonders on skin, which had been showing to all the dirt and grime in the daytime. It would be a good idea to use it on your arms and neck, too.

Your Hair
While oil is not the elixir of life to hair, it IS essential in keeping it well conditioned and supple. Leave oil at once and wash in the morning with shampoo to get better results.

Heat a little amount of oil (bottle green oil, almond oil, or plain old coconut oil) by placing it in a small urn and swirl it in hot water. After the oil gets by far hot, massage the scalp with your fingertips, in rotating motion, for at least 8 - 10 minutes. You can do this while soaking your feet in warm water.

Castor Oil
Applying pure castor oil to your eyebrows and lashes, particularly those who have scarce growth, will make them grow fat and long. For weary or gasping eyes, place a strand pad soaked in chilled rose water. Keeping thin slices of cucumber ready in the refrigerator before is ideal.

Grated cucumber, by itself or mixed with carrot juice, can be spread under the eye, to decrease black circle and wilting skin.

Lip Guard
And to finish, a spread of Vaseline on your lips, and you can sleep like a child and get up similar to a pixie!
Homemade Beauty Recipes Index


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